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Today, whilst writing a Press Release, I thought that it was about time that I wrote my first blog on my new website. I've been so busy, which of course is a good thing! So, here it is....

In 2012 after working throughout my career for other people, I decided to work for myself. It was getting harder and harder to juggle life and small children. Even though they are now geting older and more independant it's still my main priority to be there for them. Working for myself gives me that luxury. How? You might ask.

I work 24/7, on an adhoc or contract basis, plan my days, get myself organised, always give 100%, am flexible and confidential. I make doors open and create opportunities. It's a good work/life balance and I really didn't think that my work would have taken me in the direction that it has taken me to date, but I am loving the journey.

Back in 2012, I discovered Tony Drury, a local author of whom I knew absolutely nothing about, except that he had just published his first novel. There was an article in the local newspaper which I came across.

I emailed him and the rest is history. Who would have thought that City Fiction, the company that he founded, would go on, in just short of 2 years to have a Sales Director, a Media Director, a Chairman, a Marketing Director (me) and become a pretty solid publishing/media virtual company.

I have gained publicity locally for him via media, radio interviews and social media both as an author and with City Fiction as a brand, going into schools running masterclasses, getting involved in judging short story competitions, helping to maximise his role as an Ambassador for HEART UK - The Cholesterol Charity by collaborating with partners to produce charity booklets, with all publisher's profits going to the charity. I manage and keep up to date both the and websites and write Press Releases.

The journey gets more exciting as we are now getting ready to launch his fifth novel at BAFTA in London, two of his novels are being made into films, one at Shepperton Studios and the other via BAFTA. I feel truly lucky to have met some celebrities along the way and some very special and lovely people including and more recently the very lovely Milton Keynes' Poet Laureate, Mark Niel, who I am working with on a project for HEART UK and City Fiction.

So, currently Tony/City Fiction is my main client. I network, I open doors, I tell people what I do, they listen to me and feel that I can help them in some way. If it’s out of my expertise, I learn, if it’s beyond my learning capabilities, I work with other freelancers.

My client base over the past 2 years has varied so much;

•Ongoing work with a Nutritionist, helping with an app in development. •Set-up a new system enabling better organization of client records for a private clinic in Bedfordshire.

•Picked up a project working on Event Fundraising for Willen Hospice playing a key part in the administration for the Midnight Moo. One of the biggest fundraisers for the hospice. •Helped with lead generation for a courier company. •Ongoing social media training for authors through an e-book specialist company wanting to offer self-promotion tools to his clients. •Ongoing work with a musician in Scotland helping him with a new website, promotion and marketing, booking gigs and general awareness of his work and his albums encouraging more online sales. •Worked with an Equality Company in Milton Keynes doing their Book-Keeping. •General administration and invoicing for a company in Milton Keynes whilst their member of staff was off sick for 2 weeks.

I am always on the look out for new business. If you know of anyone who could use my services, please do pass on my details and ask them to get in touch. It would be lovely to hear from them.

Cathy Wright

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